For too many years, Ward 5 has watched as other District neighborhoods have experienced the benefits of community-improving redevelopment. New legislation in the D.C. Council will support the development of public infrastructure around the redevelopment of Brookland Manor into RIA, a mixed-use community that will feature approximately 1,760 homes, including market-rate apartments, affordable housing and townhomes for purchase. This new legislation — known as a TIF, or tax increment financing, is a public financing method that helps support the construction of infrastructure and other community-improvement projects. At RIA, TIF dollars will go towards laying water and sewer lines, building new roads and constructing a new park. And for our residents, RIA can’t come soon enough.
More than one in five homes in RIA will be affordable residences for low-income families. Ten percent of the total number of three- and four-bedroom townhomes at the site will be designated as affordable units as well. Notably, RIA will also preserve Brookland Manor’s existing Section 8 housing contract in perpetuity.
The property will also benefit the local and citywide economies. RIA will create approximately 3,000 jobs and will generate $500 million in tax revenue for the city. The project will also bring new businesses and long-desired amenities to the area, including a grocery store.
The TIF legislation authorizes the Mayor and the Office of the Chief Financial Officer to issue bonds that will fund the construction of public infrastructure around the RIA project, including a public park, roads and sewers. The buildings at RIA, however, will be built with private dollars. The bonds are repaid over time by the incremental additional tax revenue generated by the completed RIA project.
Learn more about how the proposed TIF works here:
As part of RIA’s development, MidCity will expand the community support activities already underway at Brookland Manor. The company currently provides an on-site food pantry, health and job fairs, after-school tutoring and a summer camp. RIA will expand these services to include a community wellness center, apprenticeship opportunities and computer literacy courses.
All Brookland Manor residents will be able to stay on the property as it’s developed and their new homes are constructed. MidCity has promised to cover all onsite relocation costs.
The community is passionate about RIA as well. More than 330 Brookland Manor residents signed declarations advocating for the start of construction at RIA. Further, more than 180 residents signed a letter of support for the new development during the zoning process.
Additionally, we had dozens of residents come to support MidCity at the TIF hearing including 47 residents who submitted testimony in support of our TIF financing (with no residents testifying in opposition).